classes: Movement Therapy
description here
Tuesday 10:00
5 per class
Weekly schedule of classes for seniors
  • Improve your balance
    People after certain age are tend to lose the sense of balance.,Through simple exercises we will work on your balance getting significantly better
  • Improve your range of movement
    Muscle stiffness is a challenge for an average senior. We do senior-focused set of exercises, body-flows and sequences that improve the blood and lymphatic flow and create more movement and flexibility in the body
  • Lift your spirit
    By moving your body during our senior-focused set of practices, you will release happy hormones like dopamine, serotonin and endorphins which means your will feel happier
  • Connect with others
    You will connect with others in the class, have a chat and laugh together, while improving your feeling of your body with joy ❤
The movement classes for seniors are targeted towards people over 55 and is designed to improve balance, lifting the spirit, connecting with other people and getting the body in a better and healthier state.

Through soft and flowing, tai chi like movements, we will move the whole body and focus on the spine becoming flexible and soft.

We do gentle exercises for mobility in the pelvic floor and see how we can improve the balance through, for example, squatting exercises.

We will always adapt accordingly to your abilities and find the best way for you to improve your overall health.

Photos from the seniors classes
Our classes take place in a cozy studio, surrounded by pleasant people
Our seniors talk about the class
  • Catarina Odelius
    The senior classes with Sietske are fantastic! She focuses on the breathing, in the body flexibility and in the strength of the muscles and gives good orientations for us to take care about ourselves!
    I truly recommend you to try it!